How much does a weekend in Champagne Region really cost?

Wondering about “How much does a weekend in Champagne Region cost?”, “Can you visit Champagne Region on a budget?” or “How to organize a weekend in Champagne Region without overspending?”. These are crucial questions, and I’m here to answer them. Let’s discover together how your stay in Champagne can be both luxurious and affordable.

Welcome to Champagne! I’m Sarah, your local guide and expert, here to help you navigate our beautiful region. Planning your visit to Champagne requires special attention, especially when it comes to budget. Whether you dream of cellar tours or memorable tastings, I reveal how to fully enjoy your experience, regardless of your budget.

Your Budget-Friendly Guide to Champagne

Choosing where to stay is your first big step in exploring Champagne on a budget. You can pick from places like Reims, famous for its big champagne brands and a historic cathedral, or Epernay, known as the champagne capital, offering lots of choices.

Reims is great for travelers because it’s easy to get to by train and most attractions are just a short walk away. It’s a place where you can enjoy both the history and the taste of champagne.

As for me, living in Epernay, I have a special love for my city. The Avenue de Champagne makes Epernay the center of the champagne world, where you can visit cellars and taste champagne that you’ll never forget.

If you’re looking for a quieter spot, charming villages like Hautvillers and Ay-Champagne are perfect. They offer a real, peaceful experience in the countryside, surrounded by vineyards.

Picking the right place to stay, considering your budget, is key to making your Champagne visit perfect, whether you want the excitement of the city or the calm of the vineyards.

budget for champagne trip in champagne region

Staying in Champagne, What’s the Budget?

When deciding where to stay in Champagne, budget is a key factor. The region offers a variety of accommodations to suit every taste and budget, thanks to platforms like Whether you’re looking for the lively atmosphere of cities like Epernay and Reims, with their bars, restaurants, and cellar tours, or the tranquility of small villages, there’s an option for you. is especially helpful for finding your ideal stay, providing exact addresses so you can check the surroundings on Google Maps.

Options and Price Ranges for Staying in Champagne

Category Hotel Name DescriptionAverage Rate/Night
LuxuryRoyal Champagne Hotel & Spa
A luxury haven offering spa, views over vineyards, and starred gastronomy900€
Caserne Chanzy
Luxury hotel facing the Reims Cathedral, combining history and modernity, with breathtaking views400€
Château de Sacy
An elegant castle in the heart of the vineyards, offering magnificent views, a spa, and fine cuisine450€
Mid-rangeTerrasse 86
Air-conditioned apartment for 4 people, with a 60 m² rooftop terrace170€
Hôtel Jean Moët
A boutique hotel in the city center205€
Les Bulles d’Ay – Terrasse
Very large air-conditioned apartment with terrace for 8 people300€
Tight BudgetStudio 86
Air-conditioned studio for 2 people a short walk from the center of Epernay70€
Les Bulles d’Ay – Studio
Studio for 2 people in the heart of Ay-Champagne85€
Au Terminus 1
Charming apartment in the heart of Hautvillers, village of the famous Dom Pérignon85€

Eating in Champagne, What Prices to Expect?

Champagne is a paradise for food lovers too. For me, holidays are about culinary discoveries, and this region offers a wide range of choices suitable for all budgets. I’ve shared a list of the best restaurants in Epernay, where quality is evident in every dish.

LuxuryMid-rangeTight Budget
LunchGourmet restaurant, tasting menu – 100€ per personLocal bistro, full lunch set menu – 25€ per personCafé or brasserie, dish of the day – 15€ per person
DinnerMichelin-starred table, menu with food and champagne pairing – 450€ per personRenowned restaurant, full menu – 70€ per personBistro or pizzeria, à la carte choice – 25€ per person

Budget for Getting Around in Champagne

Transportation is another important consideration when planning your budget for a weekend in Champagne Region. Exploring Champagne is an unforgettable experience, but choosing the right mode of transport is crucial to fully enjoy your stay.

By Car

The car is undoubtedly the most convenient option for those who want complete freedom in their travels. Whether you’re coming with your own vehicle or considering a rental, this option gives you the autonomy to explore the winding roads of Champagne at your own pace. However, remember the importance of a designated driver (Sobriety Always Matters) if champagne tastings are on your agenda.

budget for champagne trip in champagne region


The train is a convenient alternative, especially for trips between Epernay and Reims.

However, if you choose Reims as your base, keep in mind there are two stations: Reims-Centre, which takes you right to the city’s heart, a short walk (10 minutes) from the majestic Reims Cathedral, and Champagne-Ardenne TGV, about 10 to 15 minutes by car from the center. This detail is crucial for efficiently planning your movements upon arrival.

  • Epernay – Reims-Centre: about 30 minutes for 10 euros.
  • Paris – Reims-Centre: 45 minutes for 30 euros.
  • Paris – Epernay: 1h15 for 40 euros.

Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles (VTC)

Ah, taxis and private hire vehicles! This option might seem a bit pricier at first glance, but picture this: you’re comfortably seated in the back of a car, with no navigation worries, being transported from one vineyard to another. It’s THE best option combining luxury, comfort, and ease of movement. For those with a budget for this little extra, it’s choosing excellence for your weekend in Champagne Region.

To make your weekend in Champagne exceptional, discover IGoVe, your key to a hassle-free luxury experience.

It’s about traveling in style, comfort, and zero worries. The perfect choice for those wanting to add a touch of luxury to their Champagne escape. They offer custom itineraries, immersing you in the world of Champagne through visits to large houses, independent winemakers, and even biodynamic producers.

Imagine a day, orchestrated to your desires, aboard a quiet electric vehicle. It’s the ultimate luxury experience, transforming simple travel into an integral part of your Champagne adventure.

  • How much to budget? With IGoVe, expect to spend around 800€ for an exclusive and personalized day.

Electric Bikes

Choosing electric bikes is becoming increasingly popular. Despite not all roads being perfectly suited, it’s an eco-friendly and enjoyable way to immerse yourself in the Champagne landscapes. Expect to pay 35 euros for a day.

Talking about electric bikes?! It’s become very popular in Champagne, and believe me, it’s a fantastic way to explore the vineyards and small villages without getting too tired. Even though our roads aren’t yet perfect for all cyclists, weaving through the vines with a little electric boost is just great.

  • How much to budget?
    • Electric bike rental: 35€ per day.
    • Delivery and return service: 45€.
budget for champagne trip in champagne region - rent electric bike in champagne region

With a Tour Guide

Lastly, exploring the region with a tour guide deepens your visit with extensive knowledge about the vineyard and local history. Beyond vineyard tours, these experts share stories that make each tasting even more delightful. It’s a rewarding way to discover Champagne, adding a personal and warm dimension to your stay.

  • Starting prices for an introductory discovery: from 45€ per person for about 2 hours.
  • For more intimate private tours: prices start at 150€ per person.
Champagne tour in Champagne Region
budget for champagne trip in champagne region

Cost of Tours and Tastings in Champagne

Champagne Tastings

Exploring Champagne wouldn’t be complete without participating in champagne tastings. Whether you’re a beginner or an aficionado, the experience of a tasting offers a fascinating gateway into the sparkling world of Champagne. Have you already visited some cellars? Why not opt for a simple tasting during your next getaway? Prices, of course, vary depending on the range tasted.

  • On average, 20 euros will allow you to enjoy 3 glasses of champagne. This rate can fluctuate; some independent winemakers offer the tasting for free if you purchase bottles, while others, offering more prestigious and exclusive cuvées, may ask for a higher price.
budget for champagne trip in champagne region with tasting

Cellar Tours

Exploring the cellars of Champagne is a rewarding experience, providing insights into the manufacturing process and history of this world-famous wine. The cost of these tours varies depending on the tasting options chosen. It’s also possible to request a tour without tasting, although this option might not always be available. To give you an idea:

  • Tours at the Great Houses of champagne average 25 euros, while those offered by independent winemakers usually cost around 15 euros.
budget for champagne trip in champagne region 
budget for a cellar visit

Typical Budget for a Weekend in Champagne Region

Here is an example of a budget for a weekend in Champagne Regionfor two people looking to fully enjoy their stay without including transportation to the region (for 3 nights):

CatégorieLuxuryMid-rangeTight Budget
AccomodationLuxury suite in a hotel with spa in Epernay: 3000€
Terrasse 86 for 2 to 6 people with air conditioning in Epernay: 580€Studio 86 with air conditioning in Épernay: 170€
Cellar VisitVIP experience in a large house with private tastings: 250€Discover a cellar listed as World Heritage by UNESCO: 50€Visit in a winemaker’s independent cellar: 30€
LunchGourmet meal in a starred restaurant: 200€Lunch set menu with drink in a local setting: 60€Daily menu in a brasserie: 35€
DinnerDinner in a renowned restaurant with food and champagne pairing: 900€Dinner in a popular local restaurant: 140€Dinner in a small bistro or pizzeria: 50€
Excursion with Guide and SabragePrivate luxury excursion with sabrage: 300€Walk in the vineyard including sabrage and visit: 120€Group excursion with tasting: 80€
Champagne Tasting in a BarExclusive selection of rare champagnes: 100€Tasting of 3 champagnes on the Avenue de Champagne: 50€Tasting of local champagnes: 20€

This budget is provided as a guideline to help you plan your stay in Champagne, taking into account the main activities and pleasures the region has to offer.

Buying Champagne: A Price Guide

During your visit to Champagne, taking the opportunity to buy a few bottles is a brilliant idea, especially if you carefully plan the budget for your weekend in Champagne Region. I often advise my clients to prefer purchasing directly from an independent winemaker. Here’s why this option is beneficial:

  • Better prices: Costs are often lower with independent winemakers because they don’t have the same marketing and advertising expenses as the big houses, which favorably impacts the prices.
  • Exclusivity: While you can find bottles from the large houses almost anywhere in the world, buying from an independent winemaker allows you to discover unique and often exclusive champagnes.

Prices generally start around 18/20 euros at an independent winemaker, while the starting prices at a large champagne house are more likely to begin at 30 euros. This approach not only allows you to make significant savings on your weekend budget in Champagne Region, but it also offers the opportunity to bring home champagnes with a real story and exceptional quality.

I hope to have provided the necessary information to help you in planning your budget for a weekend in Champagne Region. If you have any further questions or would like to share your experiences, feel free to ask them on the forum or leave a comment. Your feedback is valuable, both for me and for future travelers eager to discover this magnificent region.

Where to sleep in Champagne Region ?

Start Planning Now!

Check out my cozy apartments in the city’s heart for a home-like experience. For more options, explore Epernay’s diverse accommodations. Book soon to secure your ideal stay!”

Studio 86

2 people Studio Kitchenette Bathroom
Apartment rental for an holiday stay in Epernay, France
Vacation rental for an holiday stay in Epernay, France
Vacation rental for an holiday stay in Epernay, France
Vacation rental for an holiday stay in Epernay, France

Terrasse 86

Up to 6 people 2 bedrooms Kitchen 2 Bathrooms Outdoor Terrace
Vacation rental for an holiday stay in Epernay, France
Vacation rental for an holiday stay in Epernay, France
Vacation rental for an holiday stay in Epernay, France
Vacation rental for an holiday stay in Epernay, France

Jacuzzi 86

Up to 5 people 2 bedrooms Kitchen 2 Bathrooms Outdoor Terrace
Holiday Cottage in Epernay, Champagne, France
Holiday Cottage in Epernay, Champagne, France
Holiday Cottage in Epernay, Champagne, France
Holiday Cottage in Epernay, Champagne, France

This article contains affiliate marketing: this means that I get a small commission on the Booking links.
This allows the blog to live (translation, etc.) however it does not increase the price for you.

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